vendredi 25 mars 2016

Bracelets suite & a bite more.

  Still hot from the forge. A collection of 8 new pieces. Forged out of reinforcement steel rods, sewing machine parts and other steel rods from different origins . This time they all have that special screw coming from the foot of the sewing machine, thank's to George from Bernina. Actually that those screws named " vise mon pied "in french are note used and made any more by Bernina.Those screws turn out to be rare.

  About the making of those bracelets. If you look the blog you will see it is some time now I am making those bracelets. And by time technique improve, the method improve, but stile a lot to learn. It is a step by step process. First get the metal from working sites or sewing machines. It is easy from working sites but take a little more time from sewing machines which you first need to get and then unbild. I then forge the first parts of the bracelet the main part and the closing part; Then bend the edges in a loop to the size of the rivet and the screw. Next step I have to adjust the two parts of the bracelet, prepare a nail that will be used for the rivet, fix the screw to the bracelet, make the screw pad, fix the rivet. at this stage the bracelets has it final shape. Finally I give the patina to the bracelet and wax it. By time if weared every day the bracelet will take a very nice patina. This is part of this Jewelry, the patina of time is adding some thing to the bracelet. I gave my very first bracelet to Miho which is wearing it almost every day for 3 years now and it took a very nice patina , kept black and got shiny on some edges were there is some fricsions.

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