mercredi 1 août 2018

Forged bracelet " suite & evolution "

      A forged bracelet collection composed of a series forged out of very special steel. . .

  It was a long time ago planned project for which I need to aquire more knowledge in order to forged it well. It is after 6 years of forging many types of recycled steel and the quinching of those unknow steel gave me the knowledge to handel with confidence steel stuch the one used to make samurai swords. I need to thank Jean Michaux my friend & black smith that thought me much about quinching and propreties of steel. 

  I started last spring with the bloom of the cherry blooms in Tokyo. Collection on the Tokyo antique market the new material of this collection, I started to forged bracelets out of antique samurai sword steel in Sagamiko at the work shop  of the LABO Phenomena Factory, were I seeked addvice to my friend and black smith Kenjiro in order to forged this versatil & unquie steel.  I would not have started to work on this noble metal without the advice of my friend Kenjiro.  

           Eventualy I found 3 " Zanketsu " which referes in Japanese  to
           a katana Blade that has been cutter in 3 . Here a the images and 
           sign of 2 of the katna remain I founded on the antique markets
           in Tokyo. On with the name of the black smith carved in the 
           steel of the handel of the blade the other one with the name of 
           the place were the katana blade has been forged. 

  First step was to cut the " Zanketsu " in smaller parts that fit for making bracelets. I had quite a surprise were cutting it ! what take normay a few minutes to be cutter turned out to take a good half hour. Each blade showing different hardeness, one having particularly hard material in the inner part of the the blade. 


Then the magic starts! Light up the fire and slowly start to heat the
material. Each steel been made at a different time in history it has a different composition and need to been forged in a different maner. Here temperature and strength of the hamering is crucial, one mistake and the steel will split, working time is very limited as the range of working temperature is very small. It was very challenging  to forge this steel and eventually had to reweld at the forge some parts. During the forging I could strongly feel the properties of this steel that I never had touch before. A beautiful steel charged with history and knowledge.        

   3 days in Kenjiro's workshop were not enough to finish the collection. So the steel followed me into my workshop were I finished the collection of 13 pieces. A very rare and unique collection forged out of antique jappantes swords that at a time in history had belonged to a Samurai. Each bracelet is forged out of a different part of the blade. Some time using the handel with the sign or the " mune " back of the blade with it specific shape. Locking remain the as before with a screw of the flat of old swing machines. Finally patinated black with a natural japanese technique based on green tea.  

     Find the full collection online at :

Singer  27/127 
Serial Number : G959011
 Series of 4 bracelets forged out of steel axels of a 1922 swing machine. This machine has a storie. This Memphis or Egyptian model had been at a point of it history imported into Japan. It was originaly a mechanical machine that was working with the power of the feet of the operator. By time this swing machine has been adapted to work with an electric engine. Later on this machine has been been used by our grand mum to be left to take the dust until
we unbuilt it and transfored it into bracelets . . .