dimanche 26 novembre 2017

invitation / private sales

   This is an invitation to Tabito Jewelry private sales. Be the most welcome to visit us. As well for those that follow the work of the forge ,with the different lamps, " présentoir" and bizarre containers, will have the opportunity to see a big part of all those objects. Many of them are already part of the Salon Vélasquez and more will be used as display and lighting during the private sales.  

Display case & bizarre containers.

Small vintage travel case transformed into a small
jewellery display. On the right a series of 2 containers
made from Bakelite electic sockets & binocular parts.
   A travel case fitted with a part of an old printers drawer, a little forged hook on the top right part of the case and linen fabric applied on isolation board so has to be abel to pin easily in it. This case and peintres drawer have founded a new fonctionality.
  The two peculiar containers  are containers that contain an other smaller container. For one an old ceramic pile case and for the other one an  antique Japanese glass flasque. Both bigger containers are assembled with parts coming from old theater binoculars and bakelite eclectric sockets with some decorative brass screws. Those objects are parts of a long series of containers in the same style.  

lundi 20 novembre 2017

All seasons " Présentoire "

All seasons " Présentoire "

 A small but very useful stand to present earrings in all seasons. Composed of a steel base & clamp which allows to fix a tree branch of your choice according to the season.