Made last week, it is getting darker and darker with the winter coming. So we needed a bit more light . The lamp is not forged, it is an assembly of different part. From top to bottom I used a spring to hang the lamp. It is coming from a washing machine. A screw from an old sewing machine to let the electric wire out . A bolt, a fixation and an isolator coming from a hight voltage pylon. Finally a lampshade which has been patinated black at the forge .
Blog about the evolution of my work as a designer specializing in upcycling using my skills of silversmith and metalwork.
mercredi 16 décembre 2015
lundi 14 décembre 2015
" Présentoir "
Made to present earrings made from the characters of an old typing machine. The base is a steel plate , the middle of the structure is made from two forged bars and the top of the "présentoir" is the part in the typing machine that was holding all those tiny letters. And a few screws to hold every thing together.
samedi 28 novembre 2015
Butter knife rings
I found a series of butter knifes quite interesting for they shape and motives and turned them in to rings. Here you can see 3 pieces out of a collection of 10. Working on the butter knifes was some thing different again from forks and tea spoons. The handle of the knife is always thicker than the blade and the part were the blade and the handle join is always thiner. Those three things make it a bit more complex to work. as well a lot of material which finally gives an imposing ring .
jeudi 26 novembre 2015
Forged bracelets suite.
9 bracelets out of a series of 20. A big part of the collection is forged out of those metal bars
you find on working sites . The other part of the collection is forged out steel parts from old
typing machine and sewing machines . This time I run out of those specific screws for the
" feet " of sewing machine so I came up with more brass screws and rivets or arranging an
existing screws to fit the bracelets.
mercredi 25 novembre 2015
One of a series of two .
Brass & Steel
The brass part is made out of an assembly of different parts of old petrol lamps.
The rest is forged and put together with screws. This lamp is made so that you
can fix it with two screws on a chair for reading. The brass part has many regular
gaps which let the light draw lines and dots on the surrounding walls . . .
mercredi 11 novembre 2015
Forged earring.
Forged earring, first try .
A Little long and heavy, with surgical steel, not for every body. . . But it is a first try . I will have to forge thinner and smaller.
Hum . . . I have those old springs from an old bed, they seam to be at a good size to start and they are made out of good material .
A suivre . . .
A suivre . . .
samedi 19 septembre 2015
Bracelets suite.
The collection is increasing. This 11 new pieces are all forged out of steel
all fitted with a screw coming from a sewing machine . About the screws, I want to say a special
thank to Georges form Bernina in Brussels which kindly provide me with those screw whitch are
not made any more. So once more there is recycling and upcycling in the process .
samedi 12 septembre 2015
lundi 7 septembre 2015
Forge & Silver Smithing

The silver smithing
He need a space to put his jewelry workshop and we wanted to start soldering again . . . So we are sharing space and tools . this gave birth to a jewelry work shop next to the forge. It was fun to solder silver again, use all those small specific tools to jewelry . After all those years I did not forget what I was taught in Camberwel and come up with different pieces, mainly rings and pendants.
Here on the right is a silver frame made for a antic pure silver coin from Japan. It took me some time but I did not want to damage the old coin and made this 925 silver frame for it .
many other pieces have been made but I do not always take a picture . . .
Under is a ring made from the tooth of a fork with a gearing from and old petrol lamp.
silver plated brass & brass
Bracelets Suite.
After a long and hot summer, finally the first pieces took shape. More to come in the following week.
for the moment here are a few bracelets that came out of the forge last week . Forged out of sewing machines & typing machines .
for the moment here are a few bracelets that came out of the forge last week . Forged out of sewing machines & typing machines .
mardi 18 août 2015
Work in progress
It would have been hell to forge in July with the heat and sun we had, but now temperatures are ok so I started to forge again . This time I took my camera to the atelier and here are some pictures of the work in progress on different bracelets.
jeudi 16 juillet 2015
mardi 9 juin 2015
lundi 8 juin 2015
" Présentoir " for rings .
This is from a set of 4 " présentoirs " for rings . Made from a steel plate welded on a square tube on which I come to screw a forged shape on which the ring is placed . Then patinated black .
" Présentoir " with a silver ring made out of a tea spoon .
jeudi 16 avril 2015
forged steel bracelets
This bracelet is forged out of a steel rod which you can find on any work site. This bracelets closes with a screw coming from a sewing machine . The hinge is made from a nail that I turned into a rivet using the head of the nail .
mercredi 25 mars 2015
Support forger pour touries .
Commande de John Velázquez de 4 supports forgeait pour des touries qui contiendront du shampoing . Elles seront chez Marianne Gray cette semaine .
Cercle de fer sur lequel je suis venu viser 3 pieds forger à partir de fer à béton . Le cerclage n'est pas fermé ( pas de soudure) pour permettre au support de s'adapter à la tourie selon le poids qu'elle contiendra. Il y a un join en caoutchouc sur le support pour recevoir la tourie afin qu'elle ne soit pas en contact direct avec le métal, car cela pourrait la feller avec le poid .
mercredi 18 mars 2015
Presentation stand for jewelry #3
Machine à coudre, machine à écrire, fer à béton .
Un assemblage pour un présentoir pour les bijoux de Tabito jewelry qui seront bientôt exposés à Shape http:/www.iloveshapescom/pop-up . Du bas vers le haut. La basse vient d'une machine coudre sur laquelle j'ai vissé une pice de machine à écrire. De cette pièce en font partent deux tiges de fer àbéton forger pour venir se fixer en haut sur une autre pice de machine à écrire . les deux extensions sur les côtés viennentégalement de la machine à écrire mais la plus petite est adaptée sur le stand avec des pièces de machine à coudre ...
dimanche 1 mars 2015
Invitation opening & work shop .
We will be showing our jewelry & lights at Orybany Form the 4th of March until the 29 of March .
We would like to invite you for the opening and a drink on the 4th. of March from 16 pm at the shop : 50 rue des Tanneurs 1000 Brussels .
We propose two work shop on the 8 & 11 of March . We will show you how to make some of our kimono jewelry & how to make a ring out of a fork .
" Chandelier "
Only a little forging on this single candle " Chandelier " . The idea poped in my head at the end of a day work when I was cleaning all the bits and parts which were scattered on the ground. I saw that metal spiral and the lifting weight and they just seamed to fit perfectly together. They did almost and had just to fill it a little, heat them up in the forge , force them in each other, forge the point for the candle & do the patination. Et voila !
vendredi 13 février 2015
forged presentation stand
I was ask to make a presentation stand for very delicate decoration made from silk for the bride hairstyle. Here is what came out of the fire . Forged out two bares of steel, 3 screws, one bolt & a casted iron base coming from the foot of a lamps, plus a little of charcoal and tea . . .
lundi 2 février 2015
Forged necklaces, new shapes.
It has been some time that nothing new came on the blogs . . . Well I was in the forge
forging. Many objects came out of the forge this month, presentation stands and new collections.
I show you here a couple of necklaces part of a bigger collection .
Presentation stand for jewelry #2
This one will be used in Antwerpen for our recycled "colabo" jewelry in a place we will inform soon on Tabito Jewelry face book page .
Made out of different parts of a Singer sawing machine & forged steel . This " présentoir " can move 360 ° , can be unbuild in two easily , has a hook that can move along a bare, a double hook on top that can as well move in 360° & can hold 6 necklaces at different heights.
The base is welded to the steel rode, the rest of the object is just fitted or screwed.
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